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Freestanding stove from cast iron K9 Few worlds about freestanding stove K9 - stove is made from cast iron class 200, with a minimum wall thickness of 8 mm - deflector, which increases the exhaust gas path - in the door is mounted heat-resistant ceramics glass withstand temperatures up to 800oC - adjusting the air flow through the ash - Possible to mount the exhaust outlet on the back or top of the stove - warranty 5 years Product made in POLAND.
Fireplace body is made of boiler steel designed for operation in higher temperatures. Steel is cut by laser and bent on CNC bending press, which quarantees the highest quality.2. Welds are done by welding robot, operated by workers of highest welding qualifications. Welding process takes place in inert gas envelope which quarantees good quality of welds. Heat-resistant glass which can with stand temperatures up to 800oC Quarantee- 5 years Shipping included in price
Je vends un ensemble de Outils Cuisine: - 18 verres (quelques ensembles) - Ensemble 24 couverts (6 couteaux, 6 fourchettes, 6 cuillères à soupe, 6 petites cuillères) - 3 assiettes - 2 Râpes à fromage (neuf grand et petit) - Plusieurs outils: des grandes couverts, ciseaux, 3 ouvre-bouteille - Planche à découper + Couper salade/légume - Ensemble de 4 couteaux noires + 1 couteau fromage - 5 Poêles (plusiers tailles) - 1 Casserole moyenne - 1 Cocotte minute moyenne - 1 Égouttoir - 3 Couvercle - Chariot de course Tous en excellent état! Vernir chercher à Paris 14ème