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Childcare staff in the UK

AuPair, Mother Help, Residential Child Care Workers - Safe and fast departures - We've been placing people abroad for more than 15 years! No subscription fee and no commissions! We guarantee the best earnings on the market!

No subscription or mediation fee required! No hidden costs! You can now leave for work abroad for free. Anyone who can speak English can get a job! Weekly departures!

Our recruitment agency offers 3 types of childcare options in the UK:
- Au Pair
- Mother Help
- Residential childcare workers
Each offer a particular series of advantages.

Eligibility conditions:
1. Au Pair/ Mother Help:
- Single young ladies with no children (this is a governmental request referring exclusively to Au Pairs)
- Conversational English level
- First time as an Au Pair in Great Britain (this is a governmental request referring exclusively to Au Pairs)
- Clean legal record
- Enjoy or have experience with taking care of children
- B category driving license is an advantage

2. Residential childcare workers
- Medium/ advanced written and spoken English
- Kind, patient, serious, ready and able for work
- Self-organized and communicative
- Good medical condition

Job description
1. For Au Pair / Mother Help:
An Au pair is a young lady or man up to 27 years old, not married and without children. She/ he works up to 25 hours/ week and earns an allowance between 70-150 GBP/ week. No experience in childcare is required, responsibilities are limited, earnings are good and she/ he can leave for the UK in maximum 2 weeks since the subscription time. The meals and accommodation are offered for free by the Host family. Your main responsibilities are to take care of the family's children, take them to and back from school or kindergarten, feed them, play with them and also keep the house clean by dusting, vacuuming - usually things that you also do in your own home.

Other advantages:
- Earnings between 70-150 GBP/ week (depending on English level and previous experience).
- In our over 15 years of experience in the Au Pair field, most candidates have increased and even doubled these earnings by working in their spare time
- it is an extraordinary chance to improve their English level within the Host family, or by participating at English courses certified by Oxford or Cambridge
- It is an extraordinary life experience which offers the chance of familiarizing with Great Britain's culture, while working as a Big Brother for the Host family's children
- Earning money not as an employee but as a family member. Candidates are accommodated in a separate room with everything that's necessary to feel comfortable. They also dine with the family and have medical insurance paid by them
- They go on trips with the Host family
- Support in getting the NINO and opening a bank account
- Opportunity for remaining in Great Britain after their contract expires and to be hired in any other field
- Families encourage candidates to work extra-hours, for which they get paid. They can also find other part-time jobs, thus doubling their pocket money

* Mother Help works more than an Au Pair does and is paid with minimum 100 GBP/ week. She/ he can also be over 27 years old and with no other restrictions.

2. Residential childcare workers (in specialized clinics):
This project is addressed to both those with or without experience in this field, interested in this job for developing their professional abilities or building a career.
All of those who are interested in working in this field enjoy continuous professional training at the job.

Job description:
- Taking care of children/ teenagers committed in specialized medical clinics in the UK
- Indefinite employment contract
- Minimum wage: 6,70 GBP/ hour; 8 GBP/ hour at the end of the training
- Over-paid extra-hours
- Minimum 39 working hours/ week, day and night shifts
- 1-3 days off/ week, as agreed with the employer
- 28 vacation days/ year

- Quick departure
- Pre-paid and organized accommodation for maximum 3 months since arrival in the UK, deducted from their salary
- Free meals during working hours
- Free training courses, followed by a substantial salary increase
- Experience or qualification are not required
- Opportunity of a paid flight ticket, according to resume and impression created at the job interview
- Access to a career plan
- Support in getting the NINO and opening a bank account
- Couples accepted
- Airport pickup

- Subscription fee: ZERO
- Mediation fee: ZERO
+/- 200-250 EUR - plane ticket value, according to the time of year

For further details and subscription appointments please contact us.


Adriana Bodor

Membre depuis: mars 2016

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