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collection Time Life

les pays du monde,
les arts,
les grandes époques,
la conquete du ciel
la photographie,
La Guerre Aérienne en Europe, Deuxième Guerre Mondiale 1939 1945, Avions, Aviation militaire, R. A. F., Luftwaffe,
world war II,
les grandes étendues sauvages,
Le Far-West,
Peuples Et Nations,

American Country The American Indians (1992-96, 23 volumes) ,
The American Wilderness (1972-77, 27 volumes)[3],
Ancient Civilizations,
--historic archeological discoveries The Art of Sewing[3] Australians at War (1986-89, 16 volumes)
--series chronicling Australia's participation in 20th-century warfare Canada, by Brian Moore and the editors of Life (1963) ,
A Child's First Library of Learning
--series of educational books by Time-Life based on a Japanese series by Gakken The Civil War series (1983-87, 28 volumes)
--not the same as their 14-volume 1999-2000
The Civil War: A Narrative 40th anniversary edition by Shelby Foote Classics of the Old West (1980-83, 31 volumes)[3]
--while executed in the same vein, not the same as
"The Old West," as these are deluxe facsimile reproductions of memoirs of Old West contemporaries
Classics of World War II (The Secret War) (24 volumes) Collector's Library of the Civil War (1981-85, 30 volumes)[3]
--deluxe facsimile reproductions of participants' memoirs Collector's Library of the Unknown (24 volumes)
Curious and Unusual Facts The Emergence of Man[3] Enchanted World (1984-87, 21 volumes)
--best-selling Time-Life series, dealing with fairy tales and mythological folklore of predominantly European origin Echoes of Glory (1991, 3 volumes)
--set dealing with the arms and equipment of the Civil War armies, complemented with a Civil War atlas The Encyclopedia of Collectibles[3]
The Epic of Flight (1980-83, 23 volumes)-set dealing with the history of aviation[3] Eyewitness (children's series on nature, science, and civilization)
Family Library ("How Things Work in your Home," "The Time-Life Book of the Family Car,"
"The Time-Life Family Legal Guide," and "The Time-Life Book of Family Finance")[3] Fitness, Health, and Nutrition Fix It Yourself Foods of the World[3] Fresh Ways
--cookbook series The Good Cook[3] Great Ages of Man
--history of each of the major civilizations of human history[3]
The Great Cities[3]
History of the World (1991, 24 volumes)
Home Repair and Improvement[3]
--with commercials, starring Bob Vila from 1984 to 1992 How Things Work Human Behavior[3]
I Love Math! The Kodak Library of Creative Photography Library of Health[3]
Library of Nations
The LIFE History of the United States
[3] LIFE Library of Photography[3] LIFE Nature Library, (25 volumes)[3] LIFE Science Library, (26 volumes)[3]
LIFE World Library[3]
Little People Big Books Lost Civilizations Mysteries of the Unknown (1987-91, 33 volumes)
--best-selling Time-Life series Myth and Mankind (1997-99, 20 volumes)[4]
The Nature Company Discoveries
The New Face of War (1990-92, 9 volumes)
--survey into the major fields of the then most modern aspects of warfare The Old West (1973-80, 27 volumes)[3]
-set dealing with the history of the North-American frontier of the 18th-19th century Planet Earth Series[3]
The Seafarers (1978-81, 22 volumes)[3]
The Third Reich Series (1988-91, 21 volumes)
This Fabulous Century[3] Time Frame
--A survey of history by time periods instead of by civilization Time-Life Early Learning Time
-Life Library of America[3]
Time-Life Library of Art[3]
The Time-Life Library of Boating[3]
The Time-Life Library of Gardening[3]
Time Life Library of Curious and Unusual Facts Time Life Student Library Time Reading Program[3]
Three Hundred Years of American Painting Understanding Computers Understanding Science and Nature (based on a Japanese series of books by Gakken) Voices of the Civil War (1996-98, 18 volumes)
--reproducing letters from (American) Civil War participants Voices of Triumph (3 volumes)
--African American history Voyage Through the Universe (1988-90, 20 volumes)
--set dealing with the then contemporary knowledge state on Astronomy Wild, Wild World of Animals
--based on the TV series What Life Was Like The World's Wild Places[3] Wings of War (26 volumes)
--reproductions of wartime aviator's memoirs World War II series (39 volumes)[5] 100 Years of Hollywood

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