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Staff for eldercare clinics in the UK

Safe and fast departures - We've been placing people abroad for 15 years! Unique offer: no subscription fee and no commissions required! We guarantee the best incomes on the market!

No subscription or mediation fees required! No hidden costs! You can leave for work with no costs. Anyone who speaks English can be employed! Weekly departures!

This is the most accessible working program in the Eldercare field in the UK, which offers a quick job and the possibility of a future career. We guarantee the quality of our services through over 15 years of experience in recruiting and placing people abroad.

Also, all candidates that subscribe beneficiate of both zero mediation fee and zero subscribing fee. This way, all candidates can access this program completely free.
We recommend the Eldercare in the UK program to all of those who are interested, who speak English and wish for good earnings.

Available jobs:
- Health Care Assistant
- Nurses (if they don't have a PIN number yet, our agency can help them to get it)

- Selected candidates quickly sign service contract with the British company and leave very quickly
- The minimum working period in the Eldercare field is 35 hours/ week, but usually candidates provide services for about 70 hours/ week, which brings them a substantial monthly gaining
- Attention: very well paid extra-hours are available
- All candidates are trained for about 3-4 days before starting work and they receive free accommodation at a hostel
- Candidates who choose this program can enjoy a career in a very stable and continuously growing field in the UK, with remarkable earnings.

- On a scale from 1 to 10, candidates must speak English of at least level 6
- Persons with good attitude and pleasant personality, hardworking competent, serious, flexible and in a good physical shape (condition).

Job responsibilities:
- Mainly taking care of the comfort of the old person which they assist
- Assisting them with their meals and food administration if necessary
- Bathing them
- Helping with their mobilization and transportation
- Supervising their state of health
- Respecting and applying medical prescriptions
- Providing first aid in case of an emergency
- Managing allocated resources
- Providing to their hygienic-sanitary needs
- Filling in their care chart

- Heath Care Assistant: between 7.25 GBP - 9.28 GBP/ hour
- Nurses: between 9 GBP - 17 GBP/ hour
Earnings can be paid once/ twice a month or weekly, depending on contract.
Usually, companies in Great Britain pay the remuneration in a bank account opened personally by the candidate at a British bank.

Working hours:
- Working hours are usually 40 h/ week, but extra-hours are also available (up to 72 hours/ week)
- 5-6 working days/ week
- 1-2 days off/ week

Accommodation is identified/ organized by the company before the candidate's arrival and the costs are meant to be deducted from their monthly remuneration. The expenses with accommodation including utilities (water, gas, electricity, garbage etc.) are around 60-100 GBP/ week. Accommodation is in single or twin rooms, close to the clinic.

Food providing and expenses are to be assured by the candidate, but most companies in Great Britain offer meals during working hours.

Documents needed for subscription:
- Resume (CV) in English
- Photo of smiling candidate
- Copy after last studies diploma
- Copy after passport or ID card

For further details and subscription appointments please contact us.


Adriana Bodor

Membre depuis: mars 2016

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