Emplois Divers

Vous trouverez sur cette page la liste des annonces Emplois Divers en occasion ou neuves au meilleur prix

Bonjour, je suis un jeune homme Noir de 22 ans,catholique,de nationalité française,sans casier judiciaire,honnête et poli,ni drogué,ni alcoolique,ni fumeur,disposant d'une mutuelle et d'une carte vitale,en bonne condition physique je cherche à rendre service à un exploitant agricole qui a besoin d'un coup de main sur son exploitation,je n'ai pas d'expérience,pas non plus de formation mais je peux travailler je suis disponible dans l'immédiat pour une période pouvant aller jusqu'à fin juin voir également pendant l'été sur toute la région.Je ne réclame pas d'argent mais l'hébergement et les repas,un bon accès internet serait un plus. Très respectueusement.

Offre emploi
19 - Correze

Bonjour, je suis un jeune homme Noir, de 22 ans,de nationalité française,catholique,sans casier judiciaire,honnête et poli,ni drogué,ni alcoolique,ni fumeur,disposant d'une mutuelle et d'une carte vitale,en bonne condition physique je cherche à rendre service à un exploitant agricole qui a besoin d'un coup de main sur son exploitation,je n'ai pas d'expérience,pas non plus de formation mais je peux travailler je suis disponible dans l'immédiat pour une période pouvant aller jusqu'à fin juin voir également pendant l'été sur toute la région.Je ne réclame pas d'argent mais l'hébergement et les repas,un bon accès internet serait un plus. Très respectueusement.

Offre emploi
87 - Haute Vienne

jeune femme sérieuse avec expérience cherche emploi femme de ménage secteur ouest. repassage et repas si nécessaire. pas sérieux s'abstenir

Offre emploi
Saint Paul
97 - DOM TOM

Salariée actuellement, sérieuse et motivée, je suis à la recherche d'un complément de revenu. Je dispose d'un peu de temps libre par semaine, (après 18h) pour effectuer, du baby sitting, aide personne âgée, tâches ménagères, courses... suis également disponible les week-ends et mercredis, après 13h. Merci de ne répondre que si proposition sérieuse

Recherche emploi
51 - Marne

Assistante maternelle agrée, cherche enfants à garder de 3 mois à 3 ans habitant charleville-mézières. Deux places se libèrent le 30 juin. Vos enfants seront bien accueillis dans une maison avec jardin Les activités seront définies suivant l'age. Si mon profil répond à vos attentes, écriver moi

Offre emploi
08 - Ardennes

: CROSSLINK : : : , , . , 24 . #. 200 EUR - 300 EUR #. 200 EUR - 250 EUR #. - - 150euro - 200 EUR . #. - 120 EUR - 180 EUR . #. -100 EUR - 120 EUR #. - 70 EUR . : , , . . , 160 . '. - , . , 2012/2013

Offre emploi
13 - Bouches du Rhône

jeune fille de 17ans cherche un emploi , repassage, ménage et baby sitter, à deja garder 6 enfant de 1an à 8 ans pendant 2 ans. je peut travaillé à domicile ou cher moi. disponible tout les mercredi et toute les après-midi de 15h à 19h00. je peut me déplacé sur nîmes et ses environs.

Recherche emploi
30 - Gard

Made To Sell, a consulting firm with an international and local clientele, advises management and specializes in the development of trade projects and organizational improvement. We are looking to fill a position on our staff as a: MYSTERY SHOPPER France: ROPPENHEIM Our organization is made up of 4 Business Units representing a total offer to support the development performance of the sales network: Operational Marketing (analysis and business development of the sales network) Strategic Marketing (strategy and tactics support) Assessment Center (research and evaluation of commercial resources) Sales Network Development (managing and developing outsourcing of commercial networks) The Mystery Shopper will conduct analysis intervention in his/her area of residence, monitor retail fashion for proper sales practices, process results and prepare final reports which will go to the Mystery Specialist. Procedures for implementing the intervention: The Mystery Shopper will receive an operational manual which provides information on activities to be carried out, items to be analyzed and the criteria for evaluation, and a report to be completed after the intervention and sent by email to the Mystery Specialist. The Mystery Shopper will go to the store anonymously and will check to see if sales standards are observed. After visiting, the Mystery Shopper will compile the excel reports sent by the Mystery Specialist and email them back. The Mystery Shopper may personally decide the day to take action, within a certain time frame. We are looking for professionals with experience in Sales & Marketing, even if little, and with a solid base in sales issues. We seek an independent, proactive and determined person with the strength and ability to work toward goals.

Offre emploi
67 - Bas Rhin

Made To Sell, a consulting firm with an international and local clientele, advises management and specializes in the development of trade projects and organizational improvement. We are looking to fill a position on our staff as a: MYSTERY SHOPPER France: TROYES Our organization is made up of 4 Business Units representing a total offer to support the development performance of the sales network: Operational Marketing (analysis and business development of the sales network) Strategic Marketing (strategy and tactics support) Assessment Center (research and evaluation of commercial resources) Sales Network Development (managing and developing outsourcing of commercial networks) The Mystery Shopper will conduct analysis intervention in his/her area of residence, monitor retail fashion for proper sales practices, process results and prepare final reports which will go to the Mystery Specialist. Procedures for implementing the intervention: The Mystery Shopper will receive an operational manual which provides information on activities to be carried out, items to be analyzed and the criteria for evaluation, and a report to be completed after the intervention and sent by email to the Mystery Specialist. The Mystery Shopper will go to the store anonymously and will check to see if sales standards are observed. After visiting, the Mystery Shopper will compile the excel reports sent by the Mystery Specialist and email them back. The Mystery Shopper may personally decide the day to take action, within a certain time frame. We are looking for professionals with experience in Sales & Marketing, even if little, and with a solid base in sales issues. We seek an independent, proactive and determined person with the strength and ability to work toward goals.

Offre emploi
10 - Aube

Made To Sell, a consulting firm with an international and local clientele, advises management and specializes in the development of trade projects and organizational improvement. We are looking to fill a position on our staff as a: MYSTERY SHOPPER France: LYON Our organization is made up of 4 Business Units representing a total offer to support the development performance of the sales network: Operational Marketing (analysis and business development of the sales network) Strategic Marketing (strategy and tactics support) Assessment Center (research and evaluation of commercial resources) Sales Network Development (managing and developing outsourcing of commercial networks) The Mystery Shopper will conduct analysis intervention in his/her area of residence, monitor retail fashion for proper sales practices, process results and prepare final reports which will go to the Mystery Specialist. Procedures for implementing the intervention: The Mystery Shopper will receive an operational manual which provides information on activities to be carried out, items to be analyzed and the criteria for evaluation, and a report to be completed after the intervention and sent by email to the Mystery Specialist. The Mystery Shopper will go to the store anonymously and will check to see if sales standards are observed. After visiting, the Mystery Shopper will compile the excel reports sent by the Mystery Specialist and email them back. The Mystery Shopper may personally decide the day to take action, within a certain time frame. We are looking for professionals with experience in Sales & Marketing, even if little, and with a solid base in sales issues. We seek an independent, proactive and determined person with the strength and ability to work toward goals.

Offre emploi
69 - Rhône

Made To Sell, a consulting firm with an international and local clientele, advises management and specializes in the development of trade projects and organizational improvement. We are looking to fill a position on our staff as a: MYSTERY SHOPPER France: LILLE Our organization is made up of 4 Business Units representing a total offer to support the development performance of the sales network: Operational Marketing (analysis and business development of the sales network) Strategic Marketing (strategy and tactics support) Assessment Center (research and evaluation of commercial resources) Sales Network Development (managing and developing outsourcing of commercial networks) The Mystery Shopper will conduct analysis intervention in his/her area of residence, monitor retail fashion for proper sales practices, process results and prepare final reports which will go to the Mystery Specialist. Procedures for implementing the intervention: The Mystery Shopper will receive an operational manual which provides information on activities to be carried out, items to be analyzed and the criteria for evaluation, and a report to be completed after the intervention and sent by email to the Mystery Specialist. The Mystery Shopper will go to the store anonymously and will check to see if sales standards are observed. After visiting, the Mystery Shopper will compile the excel reports sent by the Mystery Specialist and email them back. The Mystery Shopper may personally decide the day to take action, within a certain time frame. We are looking for professionals with experience in Sales & Marketing, even if little, and with a solid base in sales issues. We seek an independent, proactive and determined person with the strength and ability to work toward goals.

Offre emploi
59 - Nord

JFemme 30 ans, sérieuse, bénéficiant d'une expérience de 10 ans en tant qu'Aide Médico Psychologique en Maison de retraite de renom, je recherche des heures d'aide à la personne et/ou ménage. Je peux également satisfaire les besoins en dame de compagnie. Je peux vous accompagner chez votre médecin, votre kiné, vous aider en cuisine - qui est une de mes passions - vous aidez au rangement. Je maitrise les gestes de secours et de part ma profession, je maitrise également, les règles d'hygiène. Parmi mes qualités : Ponctuelle, souriante, agréable, sérieuse, dynamique, drole, mon annonce est sérieuse et urgente

Recherche emploi
91 - Essonne