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Homestay Native English Teachers
HLI is a leader in home tuition: 1:1 and 2:1 EFL immersion programmes delivered in teachers' own homes and is currently looking for native English speaking hosts in France. Hosts are expected to teach English to students participating in our Network. Students are all ages - from ten to seventy plus - and come from Italy this year. All are motivated by the opportunity to quickly learn English in a unique, family environment, together with a top-quality Host Tutor. As a host of this Network you will still be able to continue your main teaching job provided that this job does not require more twenty hours work a week, while you are hosting a student.
Flexible schedule to host a student
Some teachers choose to host students for the entire year, while others only host them during the school holidays. Once you have been accepted as a host family, you may decide when you wish to offer hospitality. You will always remain free to accept or decline to host a guest.
The job offer
Hosting means that the student is accepted in your home and takes part in your daily family life for the duration of their stay. HLI host tutors teach students between three and five hours per day and provide three meals per day as well as a hospitable and welcoming host family environment. Courses generally last one or two weeks, though occasionally longer. Finally, guests may choose a "study-stay" experience which contains all of the above items as well as recreational activities. The remuneration for hosting will vary based on the amount of lessons provided and on recreational activities. In general however, one will earn an average of 600 Euros per week.
Prerequisites to hosting
In order to host you must have a Bachelor's degree or a recognised ELT qualification (TEFL, CELTA, etc.), as well as substantial ELT experience coupled with a sound knowledge of effective language teaching techniques and how these may be applied to teaching young learners.
In addition, you must have an apartment in good condition and a single bedroom in which the guest will stay.
Finally, HLI appreciates teachers who have children between the ages of 8 and 17, since many of the students are from his age group and appreciate having a person of a similar age in the house.
If you believe that you meet these requirements, and are interested in becoming a host family, please contact me at the address indicated below.
Please note that we cannot place students with Host Tutors who live in one bedroom flats and we do not offer courses on a tuition-only basis.
Andrea Lerda
Membre depuis: juillet 2020
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